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Cancer and Anxiety (Guest Blogger Susan)

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My thyroid has been causing me grief since I was a child, when my neck first starting looking puffy—like I had been stung by bees on both sides. My swollen glands protruded so much that doctors used to stop my

This morning, a woman (whom I had only just met) told me that the only reason most people don't eat healthy is because they are "lazy." My Social Worker alarm ringing, I immediately contradicted her by speaking of the challenges that

Many of us Anxiety Sisters struggle with what is commonly known as Social Anxiety. But that name doesn’t accurately capture the true nature of this particular anxiety disorder. Actually, the irrational fear of being judged and scrutinized in social situations

Since the Manchester attack, I have struggled to write a meaningful (beyond the obvious “terrorism is anxiety-provoking”) post about terrorism and anxiety. Honestly, this one has been a particularly challenging topic for both me and Abs. Like most of us,